Free Sample Lesson
A Pathway For Acquiring Soft Skills
The focus of SkillBott is to foster the soft skills that students will need to be successful in the workplace. Soft skills, sometimes called 21st Century Skills, are the attributes, behaviors and values that employers want in new employees. The top 5 skills employers look for in all employees are:
Analytical Skills
Strong Work Ethic
Verbal Communications
SkillBott is the first online, accredited curriculum that teaches these skills in a contemporary, interactive and engaging way.
75 Personal and Professional Skills
The program covers 75 personal and professional skills in 8 main categories: Applied On the Job Skills, Attitude, Communications, Interpersonal, Job Finding, Personal, Self-Improvement, and Social Media & Internet. These include personal and professional skills that students will use for the rest of their lives. By the end of the program, your students will understand what will be expected of them when they enter the workforce and will be a step ahead of their peers.
Eye Contact
Anger Management
Work Ethic
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving
Time Management
67 Lessons & A Career Self-Assessment
The lessons cover subject matters that will make a difference in your career success. Each lesson averages about 2.5 - 3 hours of instruction and focus on identifying and developing specific skills sets. Lessons include avatars, videos, group exercises and role playing to engage you in different ways that are both interesting and entertaining. All lessons can be accessed from any computer, anytime and anywhere. For example, you will learn about:
Personal & Professional Communications
(Lesson 10: Learning How To Be Persuasive)
Personal & Professional Conduct
​(Lesson 7: The Art of Compromise)
Preparing For Your First Job
(Lesson 2: The Power of A Cover Letter)
Improving Your Job Performance
​(Lesson 14: The Importance of Learning Multitasking)
Further Professional Development
​(Lesson 6: Contributing Effectively To A Team)
Social Media & The Internet
​(Lesson 2: The Do's and Don'ts of Email, Texting and Cell Phones)
The SkillBott Explorer is a 260 question student self-assessment that allows you to explore various career paths based on your skills and interests. It will help identify your:
Interests & Adorations
Skills & Abilities
Values & Needs

Sample Lesson:
Donut Shop
You have been assigned to help the manager of a local donut shop manage her morning schedule. She has a busy day planned. The owner of the donut shop is coming for an inspection, and the manager will only have one hour to get the place in shape for his visit. Review the “To Do” list provided below so you are familiar with what is necessary for the manager to successfully get the shop ready in one hour or less. Take a few minutes and imagine what the manager of the donut shop will have to do to be certain that she is properly prepared before the owner arrives. Think about which items would be important and which would not if you were the donut manager.
Recruit. Retain. Rejoice. Onboarding Essentials is designed for employers and hiring managers to assist with upskilling their new hires for success on the job.
Diverse Activities & Projects
Each lesson has 4 activities in which the student will be asked to participate.
Assignment Activities
These activities will vary by lesson but they will have an assignment to complete that must be submitted to the teacher. The assignment may ask you to share your ideas on or reaction to a specific scenario, relate a personal experience or present a creative solution.
Journal Entry
Role Playing Exercise
Research Task
PowerPoint Presentation
Multimedia Project: Video, Websites, Wiki
Content Readings
These are primarily reading passages that define, illustrate and document the subject matter of the lesson. Assignments and assessments will be drawn from this content so taking notes will be beneficial.
Discussion Forums
These forums give the students the opportunity to discuss and interact with their classmates and teacher. They can be done as a whole group exercise in a classroom or via discussion threads built in to the lesson.
Assessment Activities
These include multiple choice quizzes and situational judgment questions and short essay self-assessments.